Journal Articles
Books, Book Chapters, and eBooks
Reports and White Papers
Popular Articles and Media
Student Thesis and Papers
Outreach publications: Garden Mosaics
Journal Articles
Krasny M. E., Y. Li, D. Gonzales. and A. Bartel. E-Engagement: Approaches to using digital communications in student-community engagement. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. 25(4).
Cho J., Y. Li, M. E. Krasny, A. Russ and R. F. Kizilcec (2021). Online learning and social norms: Evidence from a cross-cultural field experiment in a course for a cause. Computer-based Learning in Context. 3(1), 18-36. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4781808
Cho, J., Li, Y., Armstrong, A., Russ, A., Krasny, M. E., & Kizilcec, R. F. (2021). Using Social Norms to Promote Actions Beyond the Course. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S). doi: 10.1145/3430895.3460144
Li Y., and ME. Krasny. (2021) Relationship between networks and practice change in environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education. 10.1080/00958964.2021.1899107
Jorgensen, B, ME Krasny and J Baztan. (2021). Volunteer beach cleanups: civic environmental stewardship combating global plastic pollution. Sustainability Science. 16(1). [The final publication is available at]
Nourani, S, DJ Decker, and ME Krasny. 2019. Extension as a bridging organization: Developing collaborative partnerships for environmental governance. Journal of Extension. 57(5):
Li, Y. and ME Krasny. (2020). Development of professional networks among environmental educators. Professional Development in Education. 46(2): 337-353. 10.1080/19415257.2018.1562957
Li, Y and ME Krasny. (2019). Practice change in environmental education: Lessons from professional development. Environmental Education Research. 25(7): 1119-1136. 10.1080/13504622.2018.1540033
DuBois, B, ME Krasny, and A Russ. (2019). Online professional development for environmental educators: Strategies to foster critical thinking and social interactions, Environmental Education Research.
Briggs, L., R. Stedman and M. Krasny (2018). “Place attachment and social–ecological system sustainability examined through the voices of indigenous Guatemalan women.” Sustainability Science: 1-13.
Nourani, S. W., M. E. Krasny and D. J. Decker. 2018. Learning and linking for invasive species management. Ecology and Society 23 (3):29. [online] URL:
Krasny, ME, B DuBois, M Adameit, R Atiogbe, L Baih, T Bold-erdene, Z Golshani, R González-González, I Kimirei, Y Leung, L Shian-Yun, Y Yao. in press. Interactions to Address Access Barriers in Self-identified Small Groups in a Social Learning MOOC (slMOOC). Online Learning Journal 22(2):
Delia, JE and ME Krasny. 2018. Cultivating Positive Youth Development, Critical Consciousness, and Authentic Care in Urban Environmental Education. Invited to Special Issue in Frontiers in Psychology.
DuBois, B, ME Krasny, and JG Smith. 2017. Connecting Brawn, Brains, and People: An Exploration of Non-traditional Outcomes of Youth Stewardship Programs. Environmental Education Research.
Krasny, ME and B DuBois. (2016). Climate Adaptation Education: Embracing Reality or Abandoning Environmental Values? Environmental Education Research. 10.1080/13504622.2016.1196345.
Li, Y, ME Krasny, and A Russ. (2016). Interactive learning in an online urban environmental education course. Environmental Education Research. 22(1): 111-118. 10.1080/13504622.2014.989961
DuBois, B and ME Krasny. (2016). Educating with resilience in mind: Environmental education in post-Sandy New York City. Journal of Environmental Education. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2016.1167004
Schusler, TM, ME Krasny, ME, and DJ Decker. (2016). The autonomy-authority duality of shared decision-making in youth environmental action. Environmental Education Research. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2016.1144174
Smith, JG, B DuBois, and J Corwin. (2016). Assessing Social Learning Outcomes Through Participatory Mind Mapping. Journal of Extension. 54(1):
Smith, JG, B DuBois, and ME Krasny. (2015). Framing for Resilience through Social Learning: Impacts of Environmental Stewardship on Youth in Post-disturbance Communities. Sustainability Science. Online. 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-015-0348-y
Tidball, KG. (2016). Traps in and of our Minds: Relationships between human logic, dialectical traps and social-ecological traps. Sustainability Science. 11:867.
Tidball, KG, N Frantzeskaki, & T Elmqvist. (2016). Traps! An introduction to expanding thinking on persistent maladaptive states in pursuit of resilience. Sustainability Science. 11:861.
Krasny, ME. (2015). Book Review (invited): Dana R. Fisher, Erika S. Svendsen, James Connolly. Urban Environmental Stewardship and Civic Engagement. How planting trees strengthens the roots of democracy. Human Ecology.
Krasny, ME and J Delia. (2015). Natural area stewardship as part of campus sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production. 87-96. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.04.019.
Krasny, ME. P Silva, C W. Barr, Z Golshani, E Lee, R Ligas, E Mosher, and A Reynosa. (2015). Civic ecology practices: insights from practice theory. Ecology and Society. 20 (2): 12.
Lee, E and ME Krasny. (2015). The role of social learning for social-ecological systems in Korean village groves restoration. Ecology and Society 20 (1): 42.
Russ A., Peters S.J., Krasny M.E., and Stedman R.C. (2015). Development of ecological place meaning in New York City. Journal of Environmental Education 46(2), 1-20. doi:10.1080/00958964.2014.999743
Briggs, L, RC Stedman, and ME Krasny. (2014). Photo-elicitation methods in studies of children’s sense of place. Children, Youth and Environments 24 (3): 154-172.
Fraser, J, R Gupta, and ME Krasny. (2014). Competing perspectives on the purpose of environmental education. Environmental Education Research. 10.1080/13504622.2014.933777 fraser et al 2014
Krasny, ME, SR Crestol, KG Tidball, and RC Stedman. (2014). New York City’s oyster gardeners: Memories and meanings as motivations of volunteer environmental stewards. Landscape and Urban Planning. 16-25 DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.08.003 Krasny_et_al_Oyster_Gardeners_14
Krasny, ME and J Delia. (2014). Campus sustainability and natural area stewardship: student involvement in adaptive co-management. Ecology and Society 19 (3): 27. Krasny Delia 14
Silva, P and ME Krasny (2014). Parsing participation: Models of engagement for outcomes monitoring in urban stewardship, Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, Silva Krasny 2014
Liddicoat, K and ME Krasny. (2014). Memories as useful outcomes of residential outdoor environmental education. Journal of Environmental Education. 45(3): 178-193. doi/full/10.1080/00958964.2014.905431#.U4mxJvldUdo
Krasny, M. and J. Delia, (2014). Natural area stewardship as part of campus sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production. Krasny Delia FOG JCP
Krasny, M.E., Russ, A., Tidball, K.G., and Elmqvist T. (2013). Civic ecology practices: Participatory approaches to generating and measuring ecosystem services in cities. Ecosystem Services. Krasny et al 2013b
Krasny, M.E., Kalbacker, L., Stedman, R., and Russ A. (2013). Measuring social capital among youth: Applications for environmental education. Environmental Education Research. Krasny et al 2013
Tidball, K.G., and Stedman, R. (2013). Positive dependency and virtuous cycles: from resource dependence to resilience in urban social-ecological systems. Ecological Economics. 86: 292-299.
Tidball, K. G. (2012). Urgent biophilia: human-nature interactions and biological attractions in disaster resilience. Ecology and Society 17(2): 5.
Shirk, J. L., H. L. Ballard, C. C. Wilderman, T. Phillips, A. Wiggins, R. Jordan, E. McCallie, M. Minarchek, B. V. Lewenstein, M. E. Krasny, and R. Bonney. (2012). Public participation in scientific research: a framework for deliberate design. Ecology and Society 17(2): 29.
Krasny, M.E. and K.G. Tidball. (2012). Civic Ecology: A pathway for Earth Stewardship in cities. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10(5): 267-273.
Kudryavtsev A., Krasny M.E., and Stedman R.C. (2012). The impact of environmental education on sense of place among urban youth. Ecosphere 3(4):29.
Kudryavtsev A., Stedman R.C., and Krasny M.E. (2012). Sense of place in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 18(2), 229-250.
Navarro, M. and K.G. Tidball. (2012). Challenges of biodiversity education: A review of education strategies for conserving biodiversity. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 2, Issue 1.
D’Amato, LG and ME Krasny. (2011). Outdoor Adventure Education: Applying transformative learning theory to understanding instrumental learning and personal growth in environmental education. Journal of Environmental Education. 42:4, 237-254.
Aguilar, OM and ME Krasny. (2011). Using the community of practice framework to examine an after- school environmental education program for Hispanic youth. Environmental Education Research. 17(2):217-233.
Tidball, K.G. and E.D. Weinstein (2011). Applying the environment shaping methodology: conceptual and practical challenges. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. Volume 5, Issue 4, pages 347-372.
Tidball, K.G. and M.E. Krasny (2011). Toward an ecology of environmental education and learning. Ecosphere, 2(2).
Tidball, K.G. and M.E. Krasny (2010). Urban environmental education from a social-ecological perspective: conceptual framework for civic ecology education. Cities and the environment, 3(1).
Keith G. Tidball (2010). Greening in the Red Zone: Green Space and Disaster Resistance, Recovery and Resilience. Anthropology News, Commentary, Volume 51, Issue 7. 2010-Tidball-RedZone
Christine Alfsen, Laura Dickinson, Keith Tidball, Vahan Galoumian, and Moramay Navarro (2010). The URBIS Partnership Proposal for a Global Urban Designation. Policy Matters, 17: 41-45. 2010-Alfsen
Nadarajah Sriskandarajah, Keith Tidball, Arjen Wals, Chris Blackmore and Richard Bawden. (2010). Resilience in learning systems: case studies in university education. Special Issue of Environmental Education Research 15(5-6): 559-573
Krasny, M.E., C. Lundholm, and R. Plummer (2010). Resilience in social-ecological systems: the roles of learning and education. Special Issue of Environmental Education Research 15(5-6): 463-474.
Krasny, M.E., and W-M Roth (2010). Environmental education for social-ecological system resilience: a perspective from activity theory. Special Issue of Environmental Education Research 15(5-6): 545-558.
Shava, S., M.E. Krasny, K.G. Tidball, and C. Zazu (2010). Agricultural knowledge in urban and resettled communities: applications to social-ecological resilience and environmental education. Special Issue of Environmental Education Research 15(5-6): 575-589.
Tidball, K.G., M.E. Krasny, E. Svendsen, L. Campbell, and K. Helphand (2010). Stewardship, learning, and memory in disaster resilience. Special Issue of Environmental Education Research 15(5-6): 591-609.
Krasny, M.E., C. Lundholm, and R. Plummer (2010). Environmental education, resilience, and learning: reflection and moving forward Special Issue of Environmental Education Research 15(5-6): 665-672.
Schusler, T.M. and M.E. Krasny. (2010). Environmental Action as Context for Youth Development. Journal of Environmental Education 41(4): 208-223.
Krasny, M.E. and K.G. Tidball (2010). Civic Ecology: Linking social and ecological approaches in extension. Journal of Extension.
Krasny, M.E. and K.G. Tidball (2009) Community gardens as contexts for science, stewardship, and advocacy learning: the Garden Mosaics example. Invited Submission to: Special Issue on community gardens and pollination. Cities and the Environment 2(1):8.
Krasny, M.E., K.G. Tidball, and N. Sriskandarajah (2009) Education and resilience: Social and situated learning among university and secondary students. Ecology and Society. 14 (2): 38.
Shava, S., R. O’Donoghue, M.E. Krasny, and C. Zazu (2009) Traditional food crops as a source of community resilience in Zimbabwe. International Journal of African Renaissance 4(1): 31- 48.
Krasny, M.E. and K.G. Tidball (2009) Applying a resilience systems framework to urban environmental education. Environmental Education Research 15:465-482.
Schusler, TM, ME Krasny, S Peters, and D Decker (2009) Developing citizens and communities through youth environmental action. Environmental Education Research 15 (1): 111-127.
Liddicoat, KR, JW Simon, ME Krasny, and KG Tidball. 2007. Sharing programs across cultures: Lessons learned from Garden Mosaics in South Africa. Children, Youth and Environments 17(4).
Weinstein, ED and KG Tidball (2007). Environment-shaping: An Alternative Approach to Applying Foreign Development Assistance. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 1(1): 67-85.
Books, Book Chapters, and eBooks
Krasny, M.E. 2023. In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis. Cornell University Press. (audio version available at: )
Krasny, M.E. (2020) Advancing Environmental Education Practice. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. -
Krasny, ME. ed. 2018. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. Cornell University Press.
Armstrong, A., M. E. Krasny and J. Schuldt (2018). Communicating Climate Change: a Guide for Educators. Ithaca NY, Cornell University Press. (open access: )
Russ, A and ME Krasny, ed. 2017. Urban Environmental Education Review. Cornell University Press.
Krasny, ME and KG Tidball. 2015. Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up. MIT Press. eBook: iTunes
Tidball, K.G., and Krasny, M.E. (Eds.). 2014. Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, resilience and community greening: Springer.
Krasny, ME and J Dillon, eds. 2013. Trading Zones in Environmental Education: Creating Transdisciplinary Dialogue. Peter-Lang.
Krasny, ME, C Lundholm, and R Plummer (eds). 2010. Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: the Role of Learning and Education. Taylor and Francis.
Book Chapters
Krasny, ME, Z. Golshani, B. L. H. Coleman, J. F. R. Mesa, M. Schrenk, M. R. Warakula, G. Woon and Y. Yu. 2020. Courses for a Cause: MOOC contributions to a “better place for all.” MOOCs and Open Education in the Global South: Challenges, Successes, and Opportunities. Eds: K. Zhang, C. Bonk, T. Reeves and T. Reynolds. NY, NY: Routledge.
Abhyankar, A. and M. E. Krasny (2018). From Practice to Fledging Social Movement in India: Lessons from “The Ugly Indian”. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. M. E. Krasny. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press: 231-248.
Chestnut, D. and M. E. Krasny (2018). Countering environmental gentrification through economic, cultural, and political equity: the 11th Street Bridge Park. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. M. E. Krasny. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press: 194-212.
Gunderson, L. C., E. W. Pierce and M. E. Krasny (2018). Adaptive management, adaptive governance, and civic ecology. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. M. E. Krasny. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press: 157-176.
Hedges, K., T. D. Sooter, N. Chikaraishi and M. E. Krasny (2018). The healing power of nature in Joplin’s Cunningham Park: Coupling design-build and civic ecology. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. M. E. Krasny. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press: 177-193.
Kassam, K.-A., Z. Golshani and M. E. Krasny (2018). Grassroots stewardship in Iran: the rise and fall of Nature Cleaners. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. M. E. Krasny. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press: 65-84.
Krasny, M. E. (2018). Introduction. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. M. E. Krasny. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press: 1-19.
Witt, R. S., E. S. Svendsen and M. E. Krasny (2018). Civic stewardship as a catalyst for social-ecological change in Detroit, Michigan. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. M. E. Krasny. M. E. Krasny. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press: 213-230.
Schusler, TM and ME Krasny. 2014. Science and Democracy in Youth Environmental Action-Learning “Good” Thinking, In: MP Mueller and DJ Tippins, eds. EcoJustice, Citizen Science and Youth Activism: Situated Tensions for Science Education. Springer.
Tidball, KG and ME Krasny. 2014. Introduction. In: KG Tidball and ME Krasny, eds. Greening in the Red Zone. Springer-Verlag.
Tidball, KG and ME Krasny. 2014. Resilience and Transformation in the Red Zone. In: KG Tidball and ME Krasny, eds. Greening in the Red Zone. Springer-Verlag.
Tidball, KG. 2014.. Urgent Biophilia: Human-Nature interactions in Red Zone Recovery and Resilience. In: Tidball and Krasny, Eds., Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience, and Community Greening. Springer.
Krasny, ME, KH Pace, KG Tidball, and K Helphand. 2014. Nature Engagement to Foster Resilience in Military Communities. In: KG Tidball and ME Krasny, eds. Greening in the Red Zone. Springer-Verlag.
Tidball, KG. 2014. Trees and Rebirth: Social-ecological Symbols and Rituals in the Resilience of Post-Katrina New Orleans. In: KG Tidball and ME Krasny, eds. Greening in the Red Zone. Springer-Verlag.
Tidball, KG, E Weinstein, and ME Krasny. 2014. Synthesis and Conclusion: Applying Greening in Red Zones. In: KG Tidball and ME Krasny, eds. Greening in the Red Zone. Springer-Verlag
Stedman, Richard C., and Ingalls, Micah. 2014. Topophilia, Biophilia and Greening in the Red Zone. In K. G. Tidball & M. E. Krasny (Eds.), Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience , and Community Greening. New York: Springer-Verlag. 2013-Stedman
Richard C. Stedman, BL Amsden, TA Beckley, and Keith G. Tidball. 2014. Photo Based Methods for Understanding Place Meanings: A Focus on Risk and Restoration. In book: Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Methods and Research, Chapter: Photo Based Methods for Understanding Place Meanings: A Focus on Risk and Restoration, Publisher: Routledge, Editors: L. Manzo, P. Devine-Wright, pp.112-124.
Krasny M.E., Lundholm, C., Shava S., Lee E., and Kobori H. 2013. Urban landscapes as learning arenas for biodiversity and ecosystem services management. In: Elmqvist T. at al. (editors) Urbanization, biodiversity and ecosystem services: Challenges and opportunities. Springer. Krasny et al CBO
Elmqvist, T., M. Fragkias, J. Goodness, Burak Guneralp , P. J. Marcotullio, R. I. McDonald, Susan Parnell , M. Schewenius, M. Sendstad, K. C. Seto, C. Wilkinson, M. Alberti, C. Folke, N. Frantzeskaki, Dagmar Haase , M. Katti, H. Nagendra, Jari Niemela , S. T. A. Pickett, C. L. Redman and K.G. Tidball (2013). Stewardship of the Biosphere in the Urban Era. Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities – A Global Assessment. T. Elmqvist, M. Fragkias, J. Goodness et al. Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, Springer.
Krasny, ME, 2013. Introduction: Tales of a Transdisciplinary Scholar. In: ME Krasny and J Dillon, eds. Trading Zones in Environmental Education: Creating Transdisciplinary Dialogue. Peter-Lang.
Laessoe, J and ME Krasny. 2013. Participation in Environmental Education: Crossing Boundaries within the Big Tent. In: ME Krasny and J Dillon, eds. Trading Zones in Environmental Education: Creating Transdisciplinary Dialogue. Peter-Lang.
Krasny, ME, MK Halpern, BV Lewenstein, and J Dillon. 2013. Conclusion: Do “arranged marriages” generate novel insights? In: ME Krasny and J Dillon, eds. Trading Zones in Environmental Education: Creating Transdisciplinary Dialogue. Peter-Lang.
Liddicoat, KL and ME Krasny. 2012. Research on the Lasting Impacts of Environmental Education. M Brody, J Dillon, R Stevenson, and A Wals (eds). International Handbook on Research in Environmental Education. Sage Publishers.
Tidball, K. G. and M. E. Krasny. 2012. A Role for Citizen Science in Disaster and Conflict Recovery and Resilience. Citizen Science: Public Participation in Environmental Research. J. Dickinson and R. Bonney. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press.
Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab & NAAEE (2022). Environmental Education and Community Engagement: Narratives, Ideas, and Plans. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University. PDF
Russ, A., Jorgensen, B., Snyder, K. (Eds.) (2020). Green Cities: Towards a More Sustainable and Equitable Future. Students’ projects from the Green Cities course. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University. PDF
Sims, K, M Milosev, M E Krasny, and D G Chidubem. 2020. Urban Tree Planting: A Guide for Civic Projects in Vojvodina. Civic Ecology Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, and Team54.
Krasny, ME. ed. 2019. Cornell Climate Online Fellows: Stories of Climate Engagement. Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. Ithaca NY. pdf file
Purcell, KA, J Marcos-Iga, and M del Campo, eds. (2017). Environmental Education in Latino Communities: Sharing Experiences. (Educación Ambiental en Comunidades Latinas: Compartiendo Experiencias). Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and EECapacity.
Russ, A and ME Krasny, eds. 2016. Essays in Urban Environmental Education. Civic Ecology Lab. UEE_Essays
Krasny, ME and K Snyder, eds. 2016. Civic Ecology: Stories about Love of Life, Love of Place. Civic Ecology Lab. Krasny_Snyder_MOOC_Stories_2016
Russ, A. 2016. Urban Environmental Education Narratives. PDF file
Russ, A and ME Krasny. 2015. Urban environmental education trends. In: Russ, A et al. Urban Environmental Education. EECapacity.
Russ, A et al. 2015. Urban Environmental Education.
Monroe, M and ME Krasny, eds. 2016. Across the Spectrum: Resources for Environmental Educators. North American Association of Environmental Education.
Tidball, KG and ME Krasny. 2007. From risk to resilience: What role for community greening and civic ecology in cities? In: Wals, A. (ed). Social Learning Towards a more Sustainable World. Wagengingen Academic Press. pp 149-164. 2007-Tidball
Reports and White Papers
Forg, L. and G. Pan. 2021. Promoting a Plant-Rich Diet through State and Federal Legislation. Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. Plant-rich_Policy
Kelly, N. with ME Krasny and S Simon. 2020. Urban Agriculture and Water: Access, Management, and Policy. Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. Urban Ag Water Policy
Kelly, N. with ME Krasny and S Simon. 2020. Promoting Urban Agriculture through Local Ordinances. Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. Urban_Ag_Policy
Russ, A, Y Li, and ME Krasny. 2017. Urban Environmental Education: Online Course Report. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. UEE_Final_Report_2017
Civic Ecology Lab (2017). 25 Lesson Plans for Urban Environmental Educators. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. UEE_Student_Lesson_Plans_2017
Silva, P and ME Krasny. 2017. Online Learning for Environmental Educators: 35 Tips for Getting Started. Cornell Civic Ecology Lab, Ithaca, NY. online_tips-final
Krasny, ME, Y Li, E Danter, A Ferguson, and R Gupta. (2017). Social Innovation in Environmental Education: Results and lessons learned from a five-year professional development program. Ithaca, NY and Washington, DC: Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab and NAAEE. krasny_et_al_social_innovation_report
DuBois, B and ME Krasny. 2015. Educating with Resilience in Mind: Environmental Education in Post-Sandy New York City. Civic Ecology Lab, Ithaca NY. DuBois_Krasny_Resilience_EE_2015
Krasny, M. E., and N. T. Chaopricha. 2015. Environmental Education and Human Adaptation to Climate Change: Considerations and Resources. Cornell University, Civic Ecology Lab, Ithaca NY. Krasny_Chaopricha_CC_Adaptation_15
Krasny, M., J. Carey, B. DuBois, C. Lewis, J. Fraser, K. Fulton, B. Spitzer, L. Leou, J. Braus, A. Ferguson, J. Marcos-Iga, and A. Price. 2015. Climate Change and Environmental Education: Framing Perspectives. Cornell University, Ithaca NY. Krasny_et_al_Climate_Perspectives_15
DuBois, B and ME Krasny. 2014. Environmental Education Response to Hurricane Sandy in the New York Metropolitan Region. 2014-Sandy-EE
DuBois, Bryce and Tidball, Keith G. (2013). Greening in Coastal New York Post-Sandy #CEL004. In Cornell Civic Ecology Lab (Ed.), Civic Ecology Lab White Paper Series (pp. 42). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. 2013-DuBois
Silva, Philip. 2013. Outcomes Monitoring within Civic Ecology Practices in the NYC Region. Silva 2013
Briggs, Lilly. 2013. Conservation in Cities: Linking Citizen Science and Civic Ecology Practices. 2013 Briggs
Tidball, Keith G. (2013). The New York Extension Disaster Education Program: Testimony before the New York Legislature Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation’s Hearing on Effects of Extreme Weather Events #CEL003. In Cornell Civic Ecology Lab (Ed.), Civic Ecology Lab White Paper Series (pp. 6). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. 2013-Tidball
Tidball, Keith G. (2013). Returning Warriors and Environmental Education Opportunities: Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Restoration for Veterans #CEL002. In Cornell Civic Ecology Lab (Ed.), Civic Ecology Lab White Paper Series (pp. 17). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Tidball-2013-warriors
Tidball K.G. (2013) Green spaces: A path to recovery and resilience. In: Research And Policy Brief Series, issue 55. Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University. 2013-Tidball-GreenSpaces
Tidball, Keith G., Svendsen, Erika S., Campbell, Lindsay K., Falxa-Raymond, Nancy, and Wolf, Kathleen L. (2012). Preliminary Analysis of TKF “Book & Bench” texts using unsupervised semantic mapping of natural language with Leximancer concept mapping #CEL001. In Cornell Civic Ecology Lab (Ed.), Civic Ecology Lab White Paper Series (pp. 11). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. 2012-Tidball-analysis
Campbell, K., L. Chan, J. Custot, T. Elmqvist, and R. Galt with S Agbemenya, C Alfsen, N Allsopp, P Anderson, , E Andersson, D T Anh, A Barbe, O Barbosa, J Bernal, S Birch, R Boone, S Cilliers, B Combes, D Cooper, P Dogse, El Douwes, M Dubbeling, M Fragkias, J Garard, A Getz, F Gianfelici, J Goodness, D Gopal, Burak Guneralp, O Hillel, P Holmes, J Hopkins,M Kazembe, M Laros, B de Leeuw, J Liu, P Marcotullio, N Marzok, A McDonald, R McDonald, M McGeoch, R McInnes, C McLean, M Kingsley, R Moreno-Penaranda, S Monet, P Moustier, M Natty, R Oates, P O’Farrell, S Parnell, S Patrickson, A Pauchard, M A Rahman, J Ranara, F Reitsma, C Robichaud, C Romanelli, M Samways, M Schewenius, M Sendstad, J Senior, K Seto, C Shackleton, F Spinelli, M Taguchi, M Thomas, KG Tidball, P Toriro, T Trzyna, C Chia, C Wilkinson, W Yap, and R Zhang. (2012). Cities and Biodiversity Outlook – Action and Policy: A Global Assessment of the Links between Urbanization, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Montreal, Canada. 64 pages. 2012-Campbell
Lauber, TB, KG Tidball, ME Krasny, N. Freitas, B. Griswold, B. Ukeritis, and C. Word. (2012). Environmental Education in Urban Systems: An Exploration in Research and Practice. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Humans Dimensions Research Unit & Civic Ecology Lab. 2012-Lauber
Kudryavtsev, A, and ME Krasny (2012). Urban environmental education: preliminary literature review (Document number CEL-2012-1). Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab, Ithaca, NY. 2012-UEE-review
Al-Jiburi, F, L Campbell, C Fragola, ME Krasny, G Lovasi, J Lu, D Maddox, S McDonnell, T McPherson, F Montalto, A Newman, E Pehek, R Rae, M Shane, R Stedman, E Svendsen, KG Tidball, L Westphal, and T Whitlow (2009) MillionTreesNYC: Green infrastructure and urban ecology: Building a research agenda. NYC Parks & Recreation. NYC, NY. 2009-MTNYC
Krasny, ME (2009) Children jump into community gardens: What springs out? Greening Review. American Community Gardening Association. Columbus OH. 2009-cgr
Tidball, KG, ME Krasny, and K Faurest, eds. (2009) The Case for a Community Greening Research Agenda. American Community Gardening Association. Columbus OH. 2009-cgr
Tidball, Keith G., Weinstein, Elon, Kaisler, Stephen, Grossman, Robert, and Tousley, Scott. (2008). Stake-holder asset-based planning environment. (DOD/OSD 2007 STTR Topic 003 Final Technical Report). Washington, DC: jointly published by Logos Technologies, Inc., Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab, and International Sustainable Systems. 2008-Tidball-Weinstein
Popular Articles and Media
Krasny, ME and Y Li. 2020. Scaling Up Environmental Actions through Global Online Learning Communities. Blue DOT. UNESCO. 12: p 36-39.
Egan, J. 2020 Best and worst states for waste management. LawnStarter.
Friedlander, B. 2020. Around the world, Cornell fellows guide climate action. Cornell Chronicle. 10 February, 2020.
Yale Climate Connections. 2019. Books on teaching climate change communication, eco-literacy, and eco-justice.
Krasny, ME, 2019. How Climate Change Imagery Has Changed From Polar Bears to People.
Krasny, ME. 2019. Climate Change: A Place for Individual Actions?
Krasny, ME. 2019. Cornell University Experiments With Sustainability Solutions and Science.
Krasny, ME and M Sarbanes. May 2017. A Tribute to Jill Wrigley. The Nature of Cities.
Krasny, ME, A Oshry, and A Ferguson. 3 June 2016. How to Tackle Wicked Problems. PBS NOVA Science of Learning.
Krasny, ME. 22 April 2016. Earth Day: Civic Ecology. MIT Press blog.
Snyder, K and ME Krasny. 12 April 2016. Capturing Stewardship Stories: the Unlikely Tale of a Massive Open Online Course. The Nature of Cities.
Krasny, ME and B DuBois. 23 February 2016. Will Online Courses Make Education a Human Right? Zocalo Public Square.
Marianne Krasny elected to Swedish Academy. 9 February, 2016. Cornell Chronicle.
Krasny, ME. 2016. How to Reclaim Broken Public Places: From Dirty Streets in Bangalore to a Ragged River in L.A., Revival Requires Community. Zocalo Public Square.
Krasny, ME. 2015. Civic Ecology Meets EdX: An Experiment in Online Social Learning and Action. The Nature of Cities.
Krasny, ME. 2015. Cultivating MOOCs One Learner at a Time. Inside Higher Education.
Anon. 2015. Garden Mosaics. Aspire Metro.
Krasny, ME. 2015. Why Baltimore and Ferguson might embrace gardening and find healing. The Guardian.
Krasny, ME. 2015.Civic Ecology: Integrating Social and Environmental Sciences. PBS Engaging Science series.
Krasny, ME. 2015. Are City Folks the New Caretakers of the Land? Huffington Post.
Krasny, ME. 2015. Extinction of Experience: Does it Matter? Huffington Post. (revised from post on The Nature of Cities).
Krasny, ME. 2015. Extinction of Experience: Does it Matter? The Nature of Cities.
Krasny, ME. 2015. Nature’s Do-Gooders: What Difference Do They Make? Huffington Post.
Krasny, ME. 2015. 7 People Who Care for Nature and Community. Huffington Post.
Krasny, ME. 2015. MOOC Interview for USA Today.
Krasny, ME. 2014. Garden Mosaics interview on Chicago Mike Nowak radio show.
Krasny, ME. 2014. Urban Environmental Education. The Nature of Cities.
Krasny, ME. 2014. Community Gardening: Is the Sky the Limit? The Nature of Cities.
Student Thesis and Papers
Rosenberg Daneri, D. 2018. Local vs Global: Place-based Framing in the Environmental Politics of Philadelphia. Daneri Thesis_Final
Saypanya, S. 2018. Assessing a Social Marketing Campaign on Wildlife Conservation in Nam Et – Phou Louey National Protected Area, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Saypanya_Dissertation
Silva, P. 2017. Knowledge from data, knowledge from doing: the inclusionary production of environmental knowledge for management. Silva_Dissertation_Knowledge_Civic_Ecology_2017
Nourani, S W. 2017. Examining the impacts of bridging and adaptive co-management strategies on invasive species management. Nourani_Thesis_Community_Invasive_Species_Management_2017
Briggs, L P. 2016. Sense of place and environmental stewardship among young Q’eqchi’ Maya women of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Briggs_Dissertation_Sense_of_place_Q’eqchi’_Maya_women_2016
Lee, E J. 2017. Social learning and adaptive co-management in/for Korean village groves. Dissertation_EJ_Lee_Korean_village_groves
Roberts, M. 2017. Communicating for a change: climate change education strategies in public gardens. Roberts_MJ_MPS_Project_Climate_Education_Botanic_Gardens
Li, Y. 2016. Professional networks and practice change in environmental education. Li_Y_Dissertation_Networks_Environmental_Education
Delia, J E. 2014. Cultivating a culture of authentic care in urban environmental education: Narratives from youth interns at East New York Farms! Delia_JE_Thesis_Youth_Gardening_NYC
Kudryavtsev, A. 2013. Urban environmental education and sense of place. Kudryavtsev_A_Dissertation_Sense_Place_Bronx
Khatib, D., and M. E. Krasny. 2015. Greening Programs to Facilitate Prisoner Reentry. Cornell University, Civic Ecology Lab, Ithaca NY. Khatib_Krasny_Greening_Reentry_15
Hilliard, Candice. 2013. Urban Environmental Education: Examples from the Denver Metropolitan Area. Hilliard
Lee, Mou Jian. 2013. Possibilities for the Emergence of Civic Ecology Practices in Response to Social-Ecological Disturbance: The Case of Nuisance Chironomids in Singapore. Honors Thesis, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Natural Resources. Ithaca NY: Cornell University. 2013-Lee
Dutton, E. 2013. Surviving Sandy: Stories of Urban Environmental Stewardship. Honors thesis – Urban and Environmental Policy: Occidental College and Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. 2013-Dutton
Video case study: "Lilly Briggs, Finca Cántaros Environmental Association" (2023).
Video case study: "Scott Sampson, California Academy of Sciences"
Video case study: "Gail Woon, EARTHCARE, The Bahamas" (2023)
Urban Environmental Education Colloquium. 2016. Short lectures from authors of Urban Environmental Education Review.
Maddox, David. 2015. What is Civic Ecology? 25 Definitions. The Nature of Cities.
For 50 short lectures and interviews about various aspects of civic ecology, sign up for the Reclaiming Broken Places: Introduction to Civic Ecology MOOC and download items of interest.
-, ME. 2015. Planet and People Developing Together. Keynote address. World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC). Gothenburg Sweden. video abstract:
video presentation
Russ, A. 2015. Environmental education outcomes. EECapacity EEResearch series.
Russ, A. 2015 What influences pro-environmental behavior? EECapacity EEResearch series.
Russ, A. 2015. Pro-environmental behavior. EECapacity EEResearch series.
McClure, D, ME Krasny, and S Petchenyi. 2015. History and natural history of Cascadilla Creek Gorge and its Trail Reconstruction.
Russ, A. 2014. Environmental education and sense of place. EECapacity EEResearch series.
Russ, A. 2014. Urban environmental education. EECapacity EEResearch series.
Tidball, K.G. (2012). Greening in the Red Zone: Valuing Community-based Ecological Restoration in Human Vulnerability and Security Contexts. Presented at Cornell University Department of Natural Resources Departmental Seminar Series.
Tidball, KG (2012). Greening in the Red Zone. Presented at New York City Urban Field Station Quarterly Research Seminar, CUNY Law School. New York City, NY.
Krasny ME (2012) Learning about ecosystems in cities.
Tidball, KG and T Elmqvist (2012) Cities and Biodiversity Outlook.
Tidball, KG and K Brand (2012) Local governance and biodiversity.
Tidball, KG and B Diaz (2012) Urbanisation, biodiversity and ecosystems.
Tidball, KG and O Hillel (2012) Defining future urban sustainable development.
Kudryavtsev A. (2012). Sense of place: survey (7:02min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2011). New York Harbor School (4:30min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2011). Satellite Academy Eco-Leaders Program, New York (6:06min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2011). The Urban Farm at the Battery, New York (3:28min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2011). What’s Good in My Hood (6:57min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2011). Education Program at New York Restoration Project (5:02min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2011). Drew Gardens, The Bronx (4:11min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2011). AmeriCorps, New York Restoration Project (3:04min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2010). Green Roof in the Bronx (2:42min)
Tidball, K.G. (2010). Building resilience to perturbed urban areas (1:50 min)
Tidball, K.G. (2010). What is community-based natural resources management? (0:40 min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2010). Rocking the Boat: oyster restoration (2:52min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2010). Rocking the Boat: education about oysters (1:55min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2010). Rocking the Boat: education approaches (3:20min)
Kudryavtsev A. (2009). Removing invasive species, New York (3:54min)
Garden Mosaics
Garden Mosaics: Complete Manual – PDF file
Garden Mosaics: Science Pages (English) – Part 1 (PDF) and Part 2 (PDF)
Garden Mosaics: Science Pages (Spanish) – Part 1 (PDF) and Part 2 (PDF)
Garden Mosaics: Videos – YouTube Playlist